Sr. No |
Photo | Name | Designation | Department | Qualification | Appoinment Date |
1 | Anil M. Valvi | Assistant Professor | MARATHI | — | — | |
2 | Dr. Vinayak Pawar | Assistant Professor | MARATHI | — | — |
Sr.No | Title | View |
1 | Marathi |
०१ सामाजिक, शैक्षणिक, सांस्कृतिक जीवन व मराठी भाषा व वाडमयविषयी जाण निर्माण करणे
०२ मराठी मतृभाषा म्हणून असणारे महत्व सांगणे
०३ २१ व्या शतकातील सामाजिक व साहित्यिक बदृल जागृती विदयार्थ्यामध्ये करणे
०४ मराठी भाषेतील दर्जेदार साहित्यकृती उपलब्ध करुन देणे
वाडमयाच्या अभ्यासाव्दारे सामाजिक सांस्कृतिक जीवनाची संशोधनात्मक मीमांसा दर्जेदार करणे व वाडमयीनदृष्टया परिपूर्ण विदयार्थी घडविणे.
मराठी विभाग अध्यापन पध्दती
व्याख्यान – चर्चासत्र – कार्यशाळा – प्रश्नउत्तरे – गटचर्चा – सादरीकरण – मित्तीपत्रके
विदयार्थ्याकडून कार्यक्रमांचे आयोजन व सहभाग
PSO1: Students are enabled to appreciate, to taste and analyze literature.
PSO2: Elucidate the relation between Society and Literature.
PSO3: Knowledge of historical background of a particular literary period and the nature and motivation behind it.
PSO4: Introduce correct composition or orthography in Marathi.
PSO5: Able to understand language fully and use it properly.
PAPER_1: TITLE: नाटक आणि प्रवास वर्णन या साहित्य प्रकारांचा अभ्यास
CO1: विविध साहित्यप्रकारांच्या स्वरुपांचा तुलनात्मक परिचय झाला.
CO2: नाटक व प्रवास वर्णन या साहित्य प्रकारांच्या इतिहास समजला
CO3: नाटक प्रवास वर्णन या साहित्य प्रकारांतील साहित्यिकाची ओळख झाली.
CO4: नाटक आणि प्रवास वर्णन या साहित्य प्रकारांच्या आकृतिबंधाचा परिचय झाला
CO5: नाटक व प्रवास वर्णन यांचे आशय सूत्र समजून घेतले
PAPER_2: TITLE: कादंबरी व आत्मकथा या साहित्यप्रकारांचा अभ्यास
CO1: विविध साहित्यप्रकारांच्या स्वरुपांचा तुलनात्मक परिचय झाला.
CO2: कादंबरी व आत्मकथा या साहित्य प्रकारांच्या इतिहास समजला
CO3: कादंबरी या साहित्य प्रकाराचे स्वरूप, व्याप्ती व वैशिष्ट्य ची माहिती झाली.
CO4: आत्मकथा या साहित्य प्रकाराचे स्वरूप, व्याप्ती व वैशिष्ट्य ची माहिती झाली.
CO5: कादंबरी व आत्मकथा यांच्या रुपबंधाचा आशय सूत्रांचा परिचय झाला.
PAPER_3: TITLE: भाषा आणि भाषा अभ्यास
CO1: भाषेची वैशिष्ट्ये , स्वरूप व मानवी भाषेचे संप्रेषन इ, ची ओळख झाली .
CO2: भाषेचा विकास व ह्रास यांचा परिचय झाला.
CO3: प्रमाणभाषा व बोली यातील साम्यभेद समजून घेण्यास मदत झाली.
CO4: भाषेच्या विविध कार्यांचा परिचय झाला.
CO5: आगरी बोलीतील निवडक कथा व कवितांचा परिचय झाला.
PAPER_4: TITLE: मध्ययुगीन मराठी वाड्मयाचा अभ्यास
CO1: मध्ययुगीन मराठी वाड्मयाच्या इतिहासाची ओळख झाली.
CO2: मध्ययुगीन मराठी साहित्यकांची ओळख झाली.
CO3: मध्ययुगीन मराठी लेखन प्रकारांचा परिचय झाला.
CO4: मध्ययुगीन मराठी साहित्य परंपरा ची ओळख झाली.
CO5: मध्ययुगीन मराठी साहित्य लेखनामागील प्रयोजन उलगडले.
PAPER_5: TITLE: भारतीय व पाश्चात्य साहित्य शास्र
CO1: भारतीय व पाश्चात्त्य साहित्यातील विविध साहित्यशास्त्ज्ञांचा परिचय झाला.
CO2: साहित्य भाषेचे स्वरूप व कार्य समजून घेण्यास मदत झाली.
CO3: साहित्याची निर्मितीप्रक्रिया व प्रयोजनविचार यांची ओळख झाली.
CO4: साहित्याची आस्वाद प्रक्रिया समजून घेण्यास मदत झाली.
CO5: रसविचार व भारतीय रससिध्दांत समजून घेता आला.
PAPER_6: TITLE: साहित्य आणि समाज
CO1: साहित्य आणि समाज संस्कृती अन्योन्य संबंध समजून घेता आले.
CO2: तेन , मार्क्स , आंबेडकरवाद या सिध्दांतांचे स्वरूप समजून घेण्यास मदत झाली.
CO3: स्रीवादी साहित्याचे स्वरूप व वैशिष्ट्यांचा अभ्यास करता आला.
CO4: ग्रामीण व दलित साहित्य यांचे आकलन झाले व त्यातील दाहकता समजून घेण्यास मदत झाली
CO5: विविध सामाजिक स्थित्यंतरे , व महानगरी साहित्य अभ्यासता आले.
PAPER_7: TITLE: भाषा विज्ञान व मराठी व्याकरण
CO1: भाषा म्हणजे काय त्याच्या स्वरूपाची व कार्याची ओळख झाली
CO2: भाषा विज्ञान च्या विविध शाखांचा परिचय झाला.
CO3: स्वन विज्ञान, रूपिम विचार, पद विचार म्हणजे काय त्याच्या स्वरूपाची ओळख झाली.
CO4: भाषेच्या नियमन करणाऱ्या व्यवस्थेचा परिचय झाला.
CO5: प्रमाण भाषा व बोलीभाषा यांच्यातील फरक समजला
PAPER_8: TITLE: आधुनिक मराठी साहित्य
CO1: आधुनिक , आधुनिकता, व आधुनिकतावाद या संकल्पना समजून घेण्यास मदत झाली.
CO2: आधुनिक मराठी कथेचा ऐतिहासिक आढावा घेऊन आधुनिक मराठी कथेचा परिचय झाला.
CO3: आधुनिक मराठी कादंबरी व तिचा ऐतिहासिक आढावा समजून घेता आला.
CO4: आधुनिक मराठी कवितेचा आढावा घेता आला.
CO5: नाट्य साहित्याचा ऐतिहासिक आढावा घेऊन आधुनिक मराठी नाटक ही संकल्पना समजून घेता आली
PAPER_9: TITLE: व्यवसायाभिमुख मराठी
CO1: प्रसार माध्यमांचा इतिहास समजून घेतला.
CO2: मुद्रित व दृकश्राव्य माध्यामासाठी आवश्यक लेखन कौशल्याची माहिती झाली.
CO3: विविध प्रसार माध्यमांतील रोजगाराच्या संधी चा परिचय झाला.
CO4: व्यावसायिक लेखनासाठी मराठी भाषेच्या उपयोजन क्षेत्रांची माहिती झाली.
CO5: आधुनिक समाज माध्यमांचा विशेष परिचय व उपयुक्तता बाबत माहिती झाली.
Post Graduate:
PSO1: Creating an interest in Literature.
PSO2: Availing the job opportunities in translation transformation and media.
PSO3: developing language, increasing critical attitude .
PSO4: about literacy, studless employing.
PSO5: The literary research attitude.
(Course Outcomes)
PAPER_1: TITLE: साहित्याचे स्वरूप व आस्वाद प्रक्रिया
PAPER_2: TITLE: उपयोजित समीक्षा भाग एक आणि भाग दोन
CO1: साहित्याचा मूलाधार म्हणजे समिक्षा हे तत्व समजून घेता आले.
CO2: विविध समिक्षा संप्रदाय यांचा परिचय झाला.
CO3: साहित्याला सकारात्मक वळण देण्याची क्षमता समिक्षेत आहे याची जाणीव झाली.
CO4: विविध समिक्षकांची साक्षेपी समिक्षा समजून घेता आली.
CO5: समिक्षा म्हणजे साहित्यकृतीचे आकलन व आस्वादन ही भावना वाढीस लागली
PAPER_3: TITLE: मराठी वाड्मयाचा इतिहास भाग एक
PAPER_4: TITLE: ऐतिहासिक भाषा विज्ञान व मराठी भाषेचा भाषा वैज्ञानिक अभ्यास
CO1: ऐतिहासिक भाषा विज्ञान च्या मुलतत्वाची व भूमिकेची ओळख झाली.
CO2: भाषाकुल सिद्धांताची ओळख झाली
CO3: स्वन परिवर्तन व अर्थ परिवर्तन या संकल्पनाचा परिचय झाला
CO4: मराठी भाषेचा इतिहास जन्मकुळाचा परिचय झाला.
CO5: मराठी भाषेचा काळानुसार झालेल्या अभ्यासाचा परिचय झाला.
PAPER_5: TITLE: साहित्य सिद्धांत
CO1: विविध सिध्दांतांच्या विकासक्रमाची ओळख झाली.
CO2: साहित्यातील विविध सिध्दांतांचा परिचय झाला.
CO3: साहित्य सिध्दांतांची वैशिष्टये व मूल्यबोध यांची ओळख झाली.
CO4: साहित्यातील विविध वाद व त्यांच्या निर्माण कर्त्यांचा परिचय झाला
CO5: साहित्यातील विविध सिध्दांत व संप्रदाय यांचे आकलन होण्यास मदत झाली
PAPER_7: TITLE: मराठी वाड्मयाचा इतिहास भाग दोन
PAPER_8: TITLE: वर्णनात्मक भाषा विज्ञान, प्रमाण भाषा व बोली
PAPER_9: TITLE: संशोधन प्रकल्प
PAPER_10:TITLE: प्रसार माध्यमे व भाषा व्यवहार
CO1: प्रसार माध्यमांचा इतिहास समजून घेतला.
CO2: विविध प्रसार माध्यमांची स्वरूप, व्याप्ती व वैशिष्ट्यांची ओळख झाली.
CO3: मुद्रित प्रसार माध्यमांच्या स्वरूपाची माहिती झाली.
CO4: इलेक्ट्रॉनिक प्रसार माध्यमांच्या कार्याची ओळख झाली.
CO5: समाज माध्यमांच्या किंवा इंटरनेट वरील लेखन प्रकारांचा परिचय झाला.
PAPER_11:TITLE: प्राचीन कालखंडाचा अभ्यास : पेशवेकाळ
CO1:पेशवेकालीन भाषेच्या वैशिष्ट्यांची ओळख होण्यास मदत झाली.
CO2:तत्कालीन समाजरचना व राजकीय वातावरणाचा परिचय झाला.
CO3:बखर साहित्यातील सत्य – असत्य इतिहासाची ओळख झाली.
CO4:मराठी भाषेवर झालेल्या संस्कारांचा परिचय झाला.
CO5:हिंदी, मारवाडी, गुजराती, उर्दू व फारशी भाषांचा मराठीवरील प्रभाव समजून घेता आला.
PAPER_12:TITLE: प्राचीन कालखंडाचा अभ्यास: शिवकाळ
CO1: हिंदवी स्वराज्याच्या उभारणीच्या काळाचा व पूर्वेतिहासाचा परिचय झाला.
CO2: शिवकालीन भाषेच्या वैशिष्ट्यांची ओळख होण्यास मदत झाली.
CO3: तत्कालीन समाजरचना , राजकीय, सांस्कृतिक व धार्मिक वातावरणाचा परिचय झाला.
CO4: बखर साहित्याची ओळख झाली.
CO5: इतर भाषांचा मराठीवरील प्रभाव समजून घेण्यास मदत झाली.
PAPER_13:TITLE: दलित साहित्य
CO1: स्वातंत्र्यप्राप्तीनंतरच्या कालखंडात उदयास आलेल्या दलित साहित्याच्या निर्मितीच्या प्रेरणा व स्वरूप समजून घेण्यास मदत झाली.
CO2: दलित साहित्यातून व्यक्त होणाऱ्या वेदनांचे व विद्रोहाचे स्वरूप समजून घेण्यास मदत झाली .
CO3: दलित साहित्याने निर्माण केलेल्या विविध कलाकृतींची ओळख झाली.
CO4: दलित साहित्य आजचे क्रांतीविज्ञान हे तत्व समजून घेण्यास मदत झाली.
CO5: बंडखोरी , नकार हे दलित साहित्यकृतींचे वेगळेपण समजून घेता आले.
PAPER_13:TITLE: फुले-आंबेडकरवादी साहित्य
CO1: सामाजिक चळवळींचा पूर्वेतिहास व वाड्ःमयीन वैशिष्ट्यांची ओळख झाली.
CO2: फुले-आंबेडकरवादी साहित्यातील वेदना, विद्रोह व नकार त्रीसुत्रीचा परिचय झाला.
CO3: फुले-आंबेडकरवादी तत्त्वज्ञान हे दलित साहित्याचा मूलाधार असल्याची जाणीव झाली.
CO4: या दोन्हीही वाड्ःमयीन प्रवाहांनी परिवर्तनाची दिशा व गती निर्धारित केली याची जाण निर्माण झाली.
CO5: ग्रामीण जीवनातील वेदना व शोषण समजून घेता आले.
Sr. No |
Photo | Name | Designation | Department | Qualification | Appoinment Date |
1 | Mahesh N. Bhopale | Assistant Professor | Hindi | — | — | |
2 | Hiraman Tongare | Assistant Professor | Hindi | — | — |
Sr.No | Title | View |
1 | Hindi |
Under Graduate
UAHIN_HINDI : After completing the course, the graduate will be able to:
PSO1: make an in depth study and analysis of the literary works through which a thorough exposure to the distinctions of literature will be depicted.
PSO2: Acquire a comprehensive knowledge of the historical, literary and theoretical aspects of Hindi Literature, and all the genres of literature leading to the understanding of literary movements from the times immemorial.
PSO3: Gain awareness on the importance of Literature in addressing contemporary issues such as, gender issues, societal problems, thereby giving effective solution to such problems
PSO4: Imparting the knowledge of Hindi as a world language and making communication both in speaking and writing in a variety of contexts and genres.
PAPER_1: TITLE: ऐच्छिक हिंदी
CO1:अहिंदी भाषा क्षेत्र के छात्रोंको हिंदी भाषा ज्ञान से परिचत हो जाएंगे.
CO2: हिंदी साहित्य के सूक्ष्म अध्ययन द्वारा छात्रोंके भाव विकास को उद्वेलित किया .
CO3: छात्रों को विविध सामाजिक समस्यांको और कठीनाई से परिचत करके उसका समाधान ढूंढना सिखाया.
CO4: हिंदी साहित्य के विविध विधाओसे छात्र परिचित हो गये .
CO5: हिंदी साहित्य की भाषा और व्याकरण से परिचित हो गये.
PAPER_2: TITLE: मध्यकालीन- आधुनिक काव्य और गद्य
CO1: मध्यकालीन साहित्य और कवियोंसे छात्र परिचित हो गये .
CO2: कबीर, सूरदास, तुलसीदास, मीराबाई, बिहारी आदि कवि के साहित्य का सूक्ष्म अध्ययान किया.
CO3: दोहा, चौपाई, छ्प्पई, पद, अलंका,र आदि भाषा विविधता से छात्रों का ज्ञान वर्धन हो गया.
CO4: साहित्य कि बारीकियोको और उनकी अलग अलग विधाओकी जानकारी हो गई.
CO5: उपन्यास कहाणी निबंध नाटक खंड काव्य आदि अध्ययन करके छात्र लाभान्वित हुये
PAPER_3: TITLE: प्रयोजन मूलक हिंदी
CO1: व्यवहारिक हिंदी का ज्ञान और इसकी बारीकियो को छात्र अच्छी तरह से परिचित हो गये
CO2: प्रयोजन मूलक हिंदी भाषा उसकी अलग अलग रूप और व्यवहार से छात्र का अभ्यास हो गया
CO3: पत्रलेखन, पत्रचार, पत्रकारिता, सोशल मिडिया, मानक हिंदी पारिभाषिक शब्दावली का छात्रो ने व्यवहार किया.
CO4: कार्यालयीन भाषा, राष्ट्र भाषा, राज भाषा, संपर्क भाषा आदि का छात्रो को ज्ञान हुआ.
CO5: भाषा शुद्धता, व्यवहारिक शुद्धता, कार्यालयीन शब्द प्रयोग पत्र का प्रारूप आदि ज्ञान से अभ्यस्त हुए.
PAPER_4: TITLE: हिंदी साहित्य का इतिहास
CO1: हिंदी साहित्य के इतिहास की सूक्ष्म जानकारी बच्चों को हो गई
CO2: हिंदी साहित्य के इतिहास के अंतर्गत आने वाले विविध कालू में लिखे गए साहित्य का अध्ययन किया गया
CO3: आदिकालीन साहित्य की विविध साहित्य अंगूठा अखियां किया गया
CO4: भक्ति कालीन साहित्य के अंतर्गत आने वाली कवियों का भक्तों का साहित्य को उनके द्वारा रचित ग्रंथों का भावार्थ की दृष्टि से सूक्ष्म अध्ययन किया
CO5: रीतिकालीन साहित्य के साथ-साथ आधुनिक साहित्य हिंदी भाषा का विकास साहित्य में किस प्रकार से हुआ है अलग-अलग भाषाओं को भी हिंदी के अंतर्गत आने वाले अलग-अलग भाषा प्रकारों को भी समझ लिया गया
PAPER_5: TITLE: स्वातंत्र्योत्तर हिंदी साहित्य
CO1: स्वातंत्र्योत्तर हिंदी साहित्य से विद्यार्थियों को परिचित किया
CO2: स्वतंत्रता और हिंदी साहित्य की विविध विधाओं से अवगत कराया
CO3: रेखाचित्र संस्मरण उनके स्वरूप तत्व प्रवृत्तियों का सूक्ष्मता से अध्ययन किया साथ ही साथ गीतिकाव्य के तत्व उसका विकास परिभाषा और उसकी अनिवार्यता पर सूक्ष्म से विद्यार्थियों के साथ चर्चा करके लाभ कराया
CO4: महत्वपूर्ण संस्मरण रेखाचित्र की अध्यापन से विद्यार्थियों को उसके उद्देश्य चरित्र स्वरूप का ज्ञान कराया साथ ही साथ महत्वपूर्ण गीतकार के गीतों को गीत के लहजे में गाकर बच्चों के मन में गीत के प्रति आकर्षण बढ़ाया
CO5: खंड खंड अग्नि इस काव्य नाटक के द्वारा नाटक का उद्देश्य,विषय, भाव, नई शैली और नए शिल्प से विद्यार्थियों का ज्ञान वर्धन किया गया
PAPER_6: TITLE: प्रौद्योगिकी और सोशल मिडिया
CO1: विद्यार्थियों को बदलती तकनीकी से इस विषय के द्वारा अवगत कराया
CO2: सूचना प्रौद्योगिकी की परिभाषा अर्थ स्वरूप आदि से परीचित करते हुए कंप्यूटर में हिंदी का किस प्रकार से प्रयोग किया जाता है इससे विद्यार्थियों को अवगत हो गए
CO3: सूचना प्रौद्योगिकी अर्थ परिभाषा उसका योगदान उसकी उपयोगिता रोजगार चुनौतियां आदि से विद्यार्थियों को अवगत कराया सोशल मीडिया का स्वरूप प्रकार उसका विकास साथ ही साथ फेसबुक व्हाट्सएप टि्वटर मैसेंजर इंस्टाग्राम में हिंदी का प्रयोग किस प्रकार से अनिवार्य है इसका ज्ञान हुआ
CO4: आज के युवक बदलता हुआ सोशल मीडिया उसकी उपयोगिता और उपलब्धियों पर विस्तार से चर्चा करके बच्चों का ज्ञान वर्धन हुआ
CO5: सोशल मीडिया और हिंदी भाषा समाज संस्कृति इसका संबंध किस प्रकार से बदलते समय के अनुसार जरूरी है इस पर विद्यार्थियों ने ध्यानाकर्षण किया
PAPER_7: TITLE: साहित्यिक सिद्धांत और आलोचना
CO1: साहित्य विकास में काव्यशास्त्र साहित्यिक समीक्षा पर विस्तार से चर्चा करके साहित्य की बारिकियों से विद्यार्थियों को प्रेरित हो गए
CO2: साहित्य या काव्य की परिभाषा उसके स्वरूप तत्व हेतु प्रयोजन आदि से विद्यार्थियों को अच्छी तरह से प्रवर्धित हुए
CO3: महाकाव्य खंडकाव्य मुक्तक काव्य गजल आदि काव्य के रूप को और इनके भेदों को विद्यार्थी अच्छी तरह से समझ गए
CO4: शब्द शक्ति अर्थ परिभाषा स्वरूप उनके प्रकार और उपयोग आदि से विद्यार्थी का ज्ञान वर्धन हुआ
CO5: रस अर्थ स्वरूप परिभाषा के अंग और प्रकार उसकी उपयोगिता आदि से विद्यार्थी अच्छी तरह से परिचित हो गए साथ ही साथ गद्य के विविध रूप नाटक कहानी उपन्यास निबंध आत्मकथा आलोचना और अन्य गद्य विधाओं से विद्यार्थी परिचित हो गए
PAPER_8: TITLE: भाषा विज्ञान
CO1: भाषा की परिभाषा उसकी विशेषताएं आदि के अध्ययन से विद्यार्थियों को भाषा की विविधता ज्ञान हो गया
CO2: भाषा विज्ञान की परिभाषा और उसकी उपयोगिता उसकी शाखाएं वाक्य विज्ञान रूप विज्ञान शब्द विज्ञान अर्थ विज्ञान आदि भाषा की बारीकियों से विद्यार्थियों अवगत हो गए
CO3: हिंदी भाषा का व्याकरण हिंदी भाषा का व्यवहार उसकी उपयोगिता सहजता आदि अनिवार्यता से विद्यार्थी अभ्यासवश अच्छे जानकार हो गए
CO4: प्राचीन और मध्यकालीन भारतीय आर्य भाषाओं का परिचय करके जिसमें वैदिक भाषा लौकिक संस्कृत भाषा पाली भाषा प्राकृत भाषा अपभ्रंश भाषा के विदयार्थी अवगत हो गए
CO5: हिंदी की विविध बोलियां उपबोलियां साथ भारत के अन्य भाषाएं उसमें हिंदी भाषा का विकास आदि से विद्यार्थी अच्छी तरह से अवगत हो गए
PAPER_9: TITLE: आधुनिक हिंदी साहित्य की वैचारिक पृष्ठभूमि
CO1: हिंदी साहित्य विविध वैचारिकता और दर्शन से किस प्रकार से प्रभावित है और उनसे प्रभावित रचनाओं से परिचित हो गए
CO2: भारतीय नवजागरण आंदोलन और उनकी वैचारिकता सामाजिक कार्य जिसमें ब्रह्म समाज रामकृष्ण मिशन आदि धार्मिक आंदोलनों का सूक्ष्म अध्ययन करके साहित्य पर उनके प्रभाव से विद्यार्थी परिचित हो गए
CO3: गांधीवादी चिंतन मार्क्सवादी विचारधारा आदि से प्रभावित साहित्य पर विस्तार से चर्चा करके विद्यार्थी को इन विचारधाराओं से अवगत हो गए
CO4: राष्ट्रीय चेतना में हिंदी की विविध पत्रिकाओं का किस प्रकार से योगदान रहा है इसकी विद्यार्थी को जानकारी प्राप्त हो गई
CO5: मनोविश्लेषणवाद दलित चेतना आदिवासी विमर्श आदि से प्रभावित साहित्य का अध्ययन कर साहित्य विकास और विचारधारा के विकास में तत्कालीन पत्रिका पत्रकार का योगदान रहा है विद्यार्थी विचारधारा परिचित हो गए
Post Graduate
PSO1: The learners are acquainted with the information of various periods of Hindi literature like Bhaktikal, Ritikal as well as the modern period.
PSO2: The knowledge of philosophy gives the opportunity to the learners to know the linguistic pattern as well as socio-cultural affairs of various people of the country
PSO3: Through the compositions of vidyapati the learners become familiar with the Maithili language and its characteristics. Above all the spiritual essence contained in the writing also gives the lessons of the traditional value system of our country
PSO4: The talents of the writers reflected in the compositions of the Assamese writers acquaint the learners with the life and literature of Assam and its culture.
PSO5: Through the compositions of the poets like Bihari, Ghanananda, Bhushan and others and also by reading like Novels, Essays and Hindi poems etc, the learners get inspiration to fare the realities of life especially the ‗sakhi‘ of kabir gives lesson to understand the day to day affairs of family life.
Ph.D. in Hindi
Programme Specific Outcomes:
PSO1: With a Ph.D in hindi researchers focus on theories.
PSO2: Researcher gets well acquainted with the faculty and other students.
PSO3: Ph.D in Hindi offers various opportunities including professors, journalists and researchers.
Sr. No |
Photo | Name | Designation | Department | Qualification | Appoinment Date |
1 | Dr. Babasaheb G. Dudhale | Associate Professor | English | — | — | |
2 | Sanjay M. Meghasham | Assistant Professor | English | — | — |
Sr.No | Title | View |
1 | English |
- Make students aware of the different communicative skills, and to develop among them an ability to effectively communicate in English, both in written and spoken modes.
- Develop linguistic and pragmatic competence among the students and to prepare them to develop competence for self-learning.
- Encourage and enable the students to read the various types of texts on their own and discuss them among peers.
- Write grammatically and stylistically correct English.
- Speak intelligible English with correct accent and tone.
- Interpret literary texts using standard critical tools.
- Analyze literary and cultural texts to explain their ideological underpinnings.
- Explore the subtle relationship between history, culture and literary production.
Use of Teaching – Learning Resources
- Lecture Method
- Group Discussions
- LCD Projector
- Reading Comprehension
- Notes
- Unit Tests
- To motivate more and more students to choose English as a major subject for their graduation
- To use modern ICT technology to make teaching more effective
- To start certificate course in business correspondence
- To offer special coaching for the English for competitive English
PSO1: To enhance language proficiency by reading and writing Skills.
PSO2: To increase the range of lexical resource through a variety of exercises
PAPER_1: TITLE: Introduction to Literature (CBCS)
CO1: The learner will learn to write clearly, coherently and effectively about various genres of literature
CO2: The learner will learn the culture and context of the work of literature
CO3: The learner will develop sensitivity to nature and fellow human beings.
PAPER_2: TITLE: Indian Literature in English (CBCS)
CO1:The learner will Understand the different genres of Indian Literature in English.
CO2: The learner will be aware of prominent Indian writers in English.
PAPER_3: TITLE: American Literature (CBCS)
CO1: The learner will be able to use some important terms of 20th century American Literature.
CO2: The learner will be acquainted with the themes and styles of American Literature.
CO3:The learner will be able to discuss American Literature with a cross cultural perspective.
PAPER_4: TITLE: 16th to 18th Century English Literature
CO1: The learner will understand the distinctive features of English literature of the 16th, 17th and 18th centuries
CO2:The learner will be able to comprehend how background influences shaped the writer’s thinking.
CO3: The learner will be able to recognize and appreciate the literary masters who dominated the scene.
CO4: The learner will be able to grasp the different writing styles that each age adopted.
PAPER_5: TITLE: Literary Criticism
After completion of the course, students are expected to be able to:
CO1: Use some important critical terms.
CO2: Become aware of the nature and function of literature and criticism.
CO3: Impart the technique of close reading of literary texts.
CO4: Understand the various literary theories and critical approaches.
CO5: Be familiar with the tenets of practical criticism.
CO1: Gain a basic understanding of phonetics, morphology and word transformation.
CO2: Have improved speaking skills.
CO3: Have developed adequate knowledge of the rules of grammar, grammatical analysis and sentence transformation.
CO4: The learner will be able to write effectively in various domains.
PAPER_7: TITLE: 19th Century English Literature
CO1: To view literary works in their dynamic interface with the background
CO2: To understand the literature of the 19th century as a complex outcome of artistic, intellectual and socio-political cross-currents.
CO3: To appreciate poetry as mirroring private personality, protest and subsequently, public concerns
CO4: To view the development of the Victorian Novel as informed by Victorian morality as well as by larger democratic processes.
CO5: To contextualize the impulses behind the significant emergence of women writing in the 19th century.
PAPER_8: TITLE: 20th Century British Literature
CO1: Students will be equipped with comprehensive understanding of literary genres, trends and movements in 20th Century British Literature; thereby, enabling them to understand the valuable co –relation between the socio-cultural, economical and historical contexts; behind the literary production.
CO2: Students will acquire the discipline to become reflective and imaginative thinkers through a close, critical and analytical reading of the prescribed texts.
PAPER_9: TITLE: Drama and Theatre
After completion of the course, students are expected to be able to:
CO1: Analyse the social and artistic movements that have shaped theatre and drama.
CO2: Apply discipline-specific skills to the creation of drama.
CO3: Analyze the difference between the concepts of drama and theatre.
CO4: Demonstrate knowledge of the history of drama and theatre as a literature and performing art.
Sr. No |
Photo | Name | Designation | Department | Qualification | Appoinment Date |
1 | Dr. Rajendra M. Shingate | Assistant Professor | Geography | — | — | |
2 | Dr. Ramhrai J. Bagade |
Assistant Professor | Geography | — | — |
Sr.No | Title | View |
1 | Geography |
Understanding the mysterious mother earth for update knowledge and sustainable development of mankind.
Enabling the students to understand mother earth and the environment meaningfully and make them realize the necessity of sustainable development.
Goals and Objectives
- To develop scientific attitude and a sense of observation.
- To develop the skill of the map reading and interpretation.
- Motivate to preserve the environment and make world a better place for living.
- To understand India’s natural resources and utilize them for national development.
Teaching-Learning Process
- Preparation of Teaching Plan
- Unitization of Syllabus
- Record of Synopsis of every lecture
- Endorsed by Principal
- Feedback on Completion of Semesters
Teaching Methods
Lecture Method (Supplemented by) |
ICT Methods |
Learning Beyond Classrooms |
Interactive Method |
Power Point Presentations |
Village Surveys |
Seminars |
Audio Visual Shows |
Educational Visits |
Group Discussions |
Use of Internet |
Projects |
Assignments and Tests |
Use of OHP |
Case Studies |
Empowerment of Diversified Learners Through Enrichment and Remedial Courses
Types of the Learners |
Objectives |
Methods |
Slow Learners |
To enhance the basic knowledge of the subject and bring them into main stream |
Tutorials, tests, home assignments, extra lectures, counseling, motivation, map reading |
Medium Learners |
To upgrade their knowledge to do better in academics |
Tutorials, tests, group discussions, map reading and map filling |
Advanced Learners |
To accelerate the performance and to do better in the examination and overall personality development |
Tutorials, tests, seminars, projects, workshops, map interpretation, model building, chart presentations and use of computers |
Research Projects
Ramhari J. Bagade
Sr. No. |
Title |
Funding Agency |
Amount |
1. |
Flood Frequency Analysis Using Geospatial Technology |
Mumbai University |
35000/- |
Leaning Resources
Maps and Atlas
Sr. No. |
Title of the Maps/Atlas |
1 |
World Political Map |
2 |
World Physical Map |
3 |
India Physical Map |
4 |
World Outline |
5 |
India Outline |
6 |
Maharashtra Outline |
7 |
Topographical Maps |
8 |
Weather Map |
9 |
Thematic Map Sheets |
Instruments and other Resources
Sr. No. |
Name of the Instrument |
1 |
Prismatic Compass |
2 |
Abney Level |
3 |
Plan Table Survey Set |
Outstanding Achievements
Innovative Practices
- Geographical News Reading
- Geographical Quiz Competition
- Geographical Tour
- Village Survey
- Guest Lectures
- Geographical Film Show
- Participation in Avishkar Research Convention
- Participation in Poster Competition
- Expert Lecture Series
- Celebration of Geography Day
- Parent-Teacher Scheme
- Parents Meetings
Future Plans
- Strengthening of Existing Programmes
- Organization of one Days Workshop on GIS Software Introduction
- Setting of Geography Observatory
Undertake a Research Project in the Department
UAGEO_GEOGRAPHY (PSO_Programme Specific Outcome)
PSO1: Understand, coherently and effectively about various genres of Geography.
PSO2: Understanding the diverse concepts in the field of Geography.
PSO3: Understand global and regional patterns of cultural, political and economic institutions, and their effects on exploitation of natural resources and landscapes.
PSO4: Understand the need for protection and conservation of natural resources.
PSO5: Develop basic skills in practical Geography and its industrial applications.
UAGEO_GEOGRAPHY (CO_ Course Outcome)
PAPER_1: Title_Geomorphology
CO1: Understand comprehensively the nature and scope of Geomorphology.
CO2: Understanding the composition and structure of the interior of the earth and the types Rocks.
CO3: Understand the Diastrophic and catastrophic movements of the earth surface.
CO4: Understand the concept and types of weathering and erosion.
CO5: Understand the erosion and depositional landforms by the erosion agents.
CO6: Identification of contours, slopes and drawing of sections to depict contour landforms.
PAPER_1: Title_Human Geography
CO1: Understand comprehensively the nature, scope, approaches, branches and concepts in Human Geography.
CO2: Understanding the concept, types and patterns of rural and urban settlements.
CO3: Understand the determinants on growth, distribution and problems of population.
CO4: Understand the concept, causes, types, trends and consequences of migration.
CO5: Construct and interpret line graphs and flow diagrams and other techniques.
PAPER_2: Title_An Introduction to Climatology
CO1: Understand the introduction to Climatology considering weather & climate, role of climate in human life, aims, nature, scope, and some other sub divisions of the course.
CO2: Understand weather phenomena winds, humidity, precipitation and winds.
CO3: Understand the process, methods of weather forecasting and climatic changes.
CO4: read and interpret the weather map and to construct the various graphs related to climatology.
PAPER_3: Title_Physical Geography of India
CO1: Understand the importance of the location and the geographical personality of India.
CO2: Understand the variability of drainage pattern and climate in India.
CO3: Study of problems related to soil and forest depletion and their conservation methods.
CO4: Study of problems related to minerals and power resources and their conservation methods.
CO5: Show the geographical features in the map of India.
CO6: Read, convert and prepare the map scale.
PAPER_2: Title_Introduction to Oceanography
CO1: Understand importance and physical structure of the ocean.
CO2: Knowledge about the effect of ocean Currents.
CO3: Understand the relationship between man and ocean.
CO4: Study about movements of ocean water.
CO5: Read and interpret the bathymetric maps.
PAPER_3: Title_ Agriculture Geography of India
CO1: Understand the introduction to agriculture, nature, scope, significance and approaches of agriculture geography.
CO2: Understand features, determinants, major crops and problems of Indian agriculture
CO3: Understand the history, components and impacts of the green revolution in India.
CO4: Understand the development of recent trends in agriculture in India.
CO5: Interpret the thematic maps and draw the statistical diagrams and graphs.
PAPER_4: Title_ Environmental Geography
CO1: Understand the nature, scope, importance and man-environment relationship in Environmental Geography
CO2: Understand the Structure, functions and types of ecosystem.
CO3: Acquire knowledge about biodiversity and its importance and Management.
CO4: Understand the concept, types, distribution and hotspots of biodiversity
CO5: Understand environmental problems there Cause, Effect and Remedies.
CO6: Understand the Sustainable Development and Environmental Management methods in India.
PAPER_5A: Title_ Geography of Tourism and Recreation.
CO1: Understand about nature, scope, development and factors of tourism development.
CO2: Understand about infrastructure and ancillary services for tourism.
CO3: They understand the types and impacts of tourism.
CO4: Understand Planning and organization about tourism
CO5: Understand the potential of tourism sectors in Maharashtra and India CO6: Know about national tourism policy.
PAPER_5B: Title_ Political Geography
CO1: Understand the nature, scope and historical development of Political Geography
CO2: Get knowledge about Evolution of states & nations.
CO3: Understand the frontiers and boundaries
CO4: Get knowledge of Geopolitical theories.
CO5: Investigate the problems and disputes in India.
CO6: Understand about the Electoral Geography.
PAPER_6: Title_ Tools and Techniques in Geography for Spatial Analysis-II (Practical)
CO1: Understand the Meaning and types of data and its presentation.
CO2: Understand and able to solve the examples of measures of central tendency, dispersion and deviation and correlation, regression and hypothesis testing.
CO3: Able to collect and analyze data sampling.
CO4: Able to collect the field data, its processing and writing of research reports.
PAPER_7: Title_ Economic Geography
CO1: Understand the nature, scope branches and approaches of Economic Geography.
CO2: Know human economic activities.
CO3: Understand the mineral resources and industrial development.
CO4: Understand Weber’s industrial location theory.
CO5: Understand the importance and pattern of transport and international trade.
CO6: Understand the levels of economic development, Special Economic Zones and related issues in India.
PAPER_8A: Title_ Biogeography.
CO1: Understand the nature, scope, branches and approaches of Biogeography.
CO2: Understand the ecosystem and biosphere.
CO3: Understand the community and classification of plants.
CO4: Understand the marine biogeography
CO5: Understand the types, importance, loss and conservation of biodiversity.
PAPER_8B: Title_ Social Geography
CO1: Understand the nature, scope, and concept, relationship between culture and social environment.
CO2: Understand the race, religion, language and tribes in India and the world.
CO3: Understand the social groups and its segregation.
CO4: Understand the contemporary social issues in India.
PAPER_8C: Title_ Geography of Transport.
CO1: Understand the concept, nature, scope and significance of Transport Geography.
CO2: Understand the transport network system.
CO3: Understand the evolution and pattern of modes of transport.
CO4: Understand the models about the transport.
CO5: Understand the issues of transportation in India.
PAPER_9: Title_ Research Methodology in Geography.
CO1: Students will be able to understand the concept, types and stages in the research methodology, formulation of research and research design.
CO2: Students will know methods of data collection and its processing and role of the internet in research.
CO3: Students will be able to prepare the hypothesis and also be able to do the hypothesis testing by using computer and statistical techniques.
CO4: Students will be able to spatial and non-spatial data analysis in GIS software’s and be competent for research writing.
CO5: Students will be able to prepare the research report on any one theme in Physical Geography or Human Geography
PAPER_4: Title_ Geography of Settlements
CO1: Understand the nature and scope of Settlement Geography and the characteristics of rural and urban settlements.
CO2: Understand the structure of house and building materials, regional variations of rural settlement in India.
CO3: Understand the history of world settlements and factors responsible for world settlements.
CO4: Understand the classification and morphology, pattern and nature and process of rural and urban settlements
CO5: Understand the process of urbanization, urban problems and smart cities in India.
PAPER_5A: Title_ Geography of Maharashtra
CO1: Understand the location, administrative setup and geographical personality of Maharashtra
CO2: Understand the drainage and climate in Maharashtra
CO3: Understand the natural and human resources of Maharashtra
CO4: Understand the agriculture, fishing and livestock resources in Maharashtra.
CO5: Understand the growth and development of industries, trade and transport in Maharashtra
PAPER_5B: Title_ Population Geography
CO1: Understand the nature, scope, importance and relation with other social sciences of Population Geography
CO2: Understand the structure, growth, density & distribution of population in India and World.
CO3: Get knowledge about population theories.
CO4: Understand the causes, consequences and recent trends of migration in India
CO5: Understand the contemporary issues of population in India.
PAPER_6: Title_ Tools and Techniques in Geography for Spatial Analysis-II (Practical)
CO1: Understand the basic concept and types map projections.
CO2: Understand the Basic elements of map and able to area calculation.
CO3: Able to read and interpret topographic maps.
CO4: Able to use the computer with basic Microsoft and SPSS software.
CO5: Able to prepare the thematic maps by using different techniques
PAPER_7: Title_ Regional Planning and Development
CO1: Understand the concept, nature and problems of Regional Planning
CO2: Gain knowledge about definition of region, evolution and types of regional planning.
CO3: Understand the concept, strategies and measurements of regional disparities and different models of regional development.
CO4: Understand the regional planning of India.
PAPER_8A: Title_ Geography of Resources
CO1: Understand the concept, factors, importance and classification of resources.
CO2: Know the over exploitation and conservation measures of natural resources.
CO3: Learn the importance, consumption, problems and Conservation methods of water, forest, soil and mineral resources.
CO4: Understand the concept and distribution of human resources.
PAPER_8B: Title_ Geography of Health
CO1: Understand the nature, scope, approaches and evolution geography of Health Geography.
CO2: Understand the Causes, effects and remedial measures of air, water, radioactive and plastic pollution.
CO3: Learn the geographical background of diseases, types and case studies of communicable and non-communicable diseases
CO4: Understand the linkages of health with environment and health related issues.
CO5: Understand the Health care facilities, distribution, policies and health organizations in India.
PAPER_8C: Title_ Geography Of Disaster Mitigation And Management
CO1: Understand the definition, classification and impacts of disasters and hazards.
CO2: Understand the concept and role of national and international organisations for disaster management.
CO3: Understand the causes, effects and distribution of natural disasters and its management in India
CO4: Understand the anthropogenic disasters and its management in India.
PAPER_9: Title_ Geospatial Technology
CO1: Understand the Concept, Components Importance and history of Geospatial Technology
CO2: Able to analyze and interpret the aerial photographs and satellite imageries.
CO3: Able to understand the concept and Applications GPS and capable to survey through GPS.
CO4: Understand the concept, Components and applications of GIS and capable to data analysis by using the GIS software
Sr. No |
Photo | Name | Designation | Department | Qualification | Appoinment Date |
1 | Dr. Sunil D. Pawar | Assistant Professor | History | — | — | |
2 | Assistant Professor | History | — | — |
Sr.No | Title | View |
1 | History |
Under Graduate
UAHIS_HISTORY(Programme Specific Outcome)
PSO1: Get familiar with the Modern World and acquaint yourself with the Socio-economic and Political developments in other countries and understand the contemporary world in the light of its background History.
PSO2: Orient students about how history is studied, written and understood.
PSO3: The course is designed to help the student to know- History of freedom movement of India, aims, objectives problems and progress of Independent India.
PSO4: Provide an understanding of the social, economic, religious bases of medieval India.
PSO5: Provide an understanding of the social, economic, religious bases of modern India.
UAHIS_HISTORY(Course Outcome)
PAPER_1: TITLE: History of Modern India
CO1: The course is designed to make students aware about the making of modern India.
CO2: The course is designed to make students aware about the struggle for independence.
CO3: The course is designed to make students aware about the socio religious reforms movements.
CO4: Due to study of this paper students get knowledge about the british Rule an indian economy
CO5: The study of this paper helps in instilling a sense of nationalism in the students.
PAPER_2: TITLE: Landmarks of World history, 1300 AD – 1945 AD.
CO1: To enable the students to comprehend the transition of Europe from Medieval to Modern times.
CO2: To enable the student to comprehend the transition of Europe from medieval to modern times
CO3: To enable the students to comprehend the transition to Europe medieval to modern its impact on the world
CO4: To provide accurate knowledge of the most significant events and personalities of the period under study.
CO5: To provide accurate knowledge of the encouraged understanding of the making of the modern world.
PAPER_3: TITLE: History of Ancient India
CO1: To acquaint the students with different sources of ancient India History.
CO2: To enable the students to understand the political social and economic cultural development in ancient Indian History.
CO3: To enable the students to understand the religious developments in ancient Indian history.
CO4: The enable the student to understand the invasions of the persian and greek.
CO5: Students can understand various scenarios and appreciate the rich cultural and heritage in India.
PAPER_4: TITLE: History of Medieval India
CO1: This course is to make the students aware of the history of Sultan Shahi Rulers from 1206 AD to 1526 AD.
CO2: Besides tracing socio economic administrative and cultural trends during the period
CO3: This course is to make the students aware of the history of Mughal Rulers from 1526 AD onwards till death of Aurabgjeb in 1707 AD.
CO4: Besides tracing socio economic, administrative and cultural trends during the Mughal period
CO5: The students are also made to study briefly the rise of maratha power that challenged the mighty Mughal rule during the period of Shivaji and his successors.
PAPER_5: TITLE: History of Contemporary India and history of Modern Maharashtra
CO1: To understand the process of making the constitution and the integration and reorganization of Indian States.
CO2: To acquaint the students with the Political developments in India after Independence.
CO3: To comprehend Socio economic changes and progress in science and technology in India.
CO4: To acquaint students with regional history and to understand political socio economic developments during 19th and 20th century.
CO5: To create Understanding of the movements that led to the formation of Maharashtra.
PAPER_6: TITLE: Introduction to Museology and Archival Science and Introduction to Archaeology
CO1: Make students aware of career options.
CO2: Make students aware about museology as an allied branch of history.
CO3: Inform the students about the role of museums in preservation of heritage.
CO4: understand the meaning, significance, scope and value of archival science in the study of history.
CO5: Understand the role of libraries in academic and research careers and know the management of libraries.
PAPER_7: TITLE: History of the Maratha
CO1: To introduce the students to the regional history of Maharashtra.
CO2: To familiarize students with the literary sources of the history of the marathas.
CO3: To help students to understand the forces leading to the establishment of maratha power under Chatrapati Shivaji Maharaj.
CO4: To appreciate the contribution of the marathas in the National Politics of the 18th Century.
CO5: To develop an understanding of the society and culture in Maharashtra in the 18th Century.
PAPER_8: TITLE: History of Asia and History of Contemporary World
CO1: To acquaint the students with some of the major changes that occured in Asia after world war 2nd.
CO2: To Understand the ways in which asian nations resisted and defied the control of the west.
CO3: To comprehend some of the trends that emerged in Asia.
CO4: To trace some of the major events of post world war 2nd period.
CO5: To Understand the significance of these events. To comprehend which events of the later half of the 20th century have influenced the present.
PAPER_9: TITLE: Research Methodology and sources of history
CO1: To teach students basics of research methodology in history with the view to promote Historical research.
CO2: To Understand the various kinds of sources of history and its interpretation.
CO3: To acquaint students with the new trends and approaches in history writing.
CO4: To Understand the students with the new trends and its significance in history writing.
CO5: To teach students basics of research methodology and impressive presentation methods in History research.
Post Graduate:
PAHIS_HISTORY: The completion of M. A. history students are able to
PSO1: Understand and evaluate the complexities of historical developments of various nations, societies, and cultures.
PSO2: Get acquainted with research skills, methodologies, philosophy of history and historiography as being a professional historian and researcher.
PSO3: Learn to evaluate historical narratives with the approach of comparative methods.
PSO4: Think and argue historically and critically.
(Course Outcome)
PAPER_1: TITLE: Research Methods in History
CO1: To teach students the basic scientific methodology and tenets as implemented in history writing.
PAPER_2: TITLE: Socio, Economic and Administrative History of Early India: Up to 1000 C
CO1: To enable students to understand with the evaluation of socio, cultural, religious and political processes in the early Indian past on the basis of which the plural Indian society was formed
PAPER_3: TITLE: Social, Economic and Administrative History of Medieval India: 1200 C to 1700 C
CO1: To facilitate students with the evaluation of social, cultural, religious and political processes in the medieval Indian past and introducing them to important social cultural ideas and institutions.
PAPER_4: TITLE: Social , Economic and Administrative History of Modern India; 1757 C to 1947 C
CO1: To facilitate students with the evaluation of socio, cultural, religious and political processes in modern Indian history as well as the impact of British rule in India.
PAPER_5: TITLE: Philosophy of History
CO1: To equip students with the comprehensiveness of the past to make them understand the relationship between philosophy and history.
PAPER_6: TITLE: History of Contemporary India 1947 to 2000
CO1: To equip students with main events and processes of post independent Indian History.
PAPER_7: TITLE: Milestones in World History 1757 to 1960
CO1: To equip students with main events and processes of modern world history.
PAPER_8: TITLE: History of Emancipatory movements in the modern world
CO1: to make students aware about social movements of the world and introducing her/him with main Emancipatory movements in the modern world.
PAPER_9: TITLE: History of Buddhism
CO1: To study the Sources of Buddhism in order to understand life and teachings of Goutam Buddha
CO2: To examine the contribution of king Ashoka and other dynasties in the spread of Buddhism
CO3: To understand the impact of Buddhism on society.
PAPER_10: TITLE: History of Indian Archaeology
CO1: To introduce the students to basic concepts of Indian Archaeology
CO2: To familiarize students with various cultures from pre historic period onwards
CO3: To develop interest of students in numismatics and epigraphy
PAPER_11: TITLE: Builders of Modern India
CO1: To acquaint students about the contribution of builders of modern India in the development of Indian Society.
PAPER_12: TITLE: Scio, Economic and Cultural History of India :1850 to 1947
CO1: To Understand the social and economic development of colonial India and the immediate years after independent
PAPER_13: TITLE: History of modern Europe
CO1: To orient the students with political history of modern europe
CO2: to understand the economic transition in Europe during the 18th and 19th century in Europe
CO3: To understand the impact of the world.
PAPER_14: TITLE: Sources in Historical Research
CO1: To understand the historiography and theory related to historical research writing and presentation.
CO2: The courses focus on building basic skills for conducting historical research including locating utilizing and analyzing sources
CO3: Guidelines for citation and historical writing are discussed.
PAPER_15: TITLE: History of India: Concepts and Theory.
CO1: To understand the concept and theories in Indian History
CO2: This will help students to understand the basic tenets of Indian History from the earliest times up to the present
PAPER_16: TITLE: Project Based Paper
CO1: : To teach students the basic scientific methodology and tenets as implemented in history writing.
Sr. No |
Photo | Name | Designation | Department | Qualification | Appoinment Date |
1 | Dr. Aalam G. Shaikh | Assistant Professor | Economics | — | — | |
2 | Dr. Vinayak M. Wagatkar | Assistant Professor | Economics | — | — |
Sr.No | Title | View |
1 | Economics |
Objectives of Dept. Economics
- To create awareness in students about the changing economic scenario
- To make them know about economic tools and their operating
- To enable them to know about LPG
Aims of Dept. Economics
PSO1: Understand the actual functioning of the macro economy
PSO2: Understand the economic behaviour microeconomic entities
PSO3: Understand microeconomics of sectoral / development issues
PS03: Ability to design macroeconomic models
PSO4: Ability to critically understand the economic policies in India
PSO5: Ability to understand the complex interrelationship between the various macroeconomic variables and its implications for policy design.
PSO6: Analyse macroeconomic policies including especially fiscal and monetary policies
PAPER_1: TITLE: Micro Economics
CO1: Learning and application of elementary concepts of microeconomics in the real world.
CO2: Building on the material covered in Semester 1st , the student can better apply microeconomics to the real world.
CO3: Explain the nature and structure of Economics.
CO4: .Explain the nature and structure of Economics.
CO5: To identify and explain economic concepts and theories related to behavior of economic agents, markets, industry, legal institutions and NGOs
PAPER_2: TITLE: Macro Economics
CO1: In the context of a closed economy, the student can understand how interest rate and income level are determined and how policy may affect these outcomes.
CO2: .Establish correlation of Economics with other subjects.
CO3: Students will apply the basic theories of Economics in critical thinking and problem solving.
CO4: Students will get knowledge about the benefits of saving, investment and profit- making techniques.
CO5: Recall the meaning of inflation and list out the effect of inflation.
PAPER_3: TITLE: Indian Economy: contemporary concerns (SEM III)
CO1: Understand the demonetization background fact and short term and long term effect.
CO2: Understand the financial framework and India and world flow, financial rules.
CO3: Understand the budget process and expenditure.
CO4: Understand the conceptual and philosophical case of UBI.
CO5: Understand the income, health, fertility of India.
PAPER_3: TITLE: Development Issue of Maharashtra Economy (SEM IV)
CO1: Understand the development of macroeconomics of the region’s paradigm shift.
CO2: Understand the tribal poverty overview of nutrition, health, education.
CO3: Understand the water resources of government policy, overview of irrigation development of maharashtra.
CO4: Understand the overview of rural and urban water supply and recommendation for water distribution.
CO5: Understand the health regional disparities, health care system, introduction to connectivity.
PAPER_4: TITLE: Micro Economics
CO1: With sound training in microeconomic theory, the student learns about the real world imperfect competition and general equilibrium and welfare economics.
CO2: .Establish correlation of Economics with other subjects
CO3: Students will apply the basic theories of Economics in critical thinking and problem solving
CO4: Define and recall the term firm and industry
PAPER_5: TITLE: Economics of Agriculture and Cooperation
CO1: 1.Students will obtain information regarding various agricultural issues in India and remedies for it.
CO2: .Students also can get information about co-operative movement in India and its performance and role in rural development.
CO3: Making awareness about self employment through various local businesses like agrotourism, travel agents, horticulture, floriculture, fishery and animal husbandry.
PAPER_6: TITLE: Economic History of India
CO1: To Inform students with the Economic History of India
CO2: Ability to critically understand the Economic History of India
CO3: Understand Economic History of India sectoral / development issues
PAPER_7: Economics of Development
CO1: Understand the growth and development of different concepts.
CO2: Under theories of theorem, example, big push theory, human capital and growth model.
CO3: Understand inequality, poverty and development.
CO4: Understand some growth models.
CO5: Understand infrastructure of economic development, technology in economic growth, green technology.
PAPER_8: TITLE: Economics of Agriculture and Cooperation
CO1: Understand the agricultural development
CO2: Understand the factors lead to agricultural development
CO3: Understand current government policies and strategies of agriculture
CO4: Enhance the student’s awareness on contemporary database in literature
PAPER_9: TITLE: Development Theory and Experience
CO1:Understand developmental policy options by studying the pressing problems such as demographic issues, inequality, poverty, migration, environment and technological aspects related with development.
CO2: Understand the different approaches of development thinking
CO3: Understand the process of transformation for developing countries.
PAPER_12: TITLE: History of Economic Thought
CO1: Understand Adam Smith’s theory of Value of Capital Accumulation.
CO2: Understand David Ricardo’s Theory of Rents, Karl Marx’s different theories of Value.
CO3: The Understand Liquidity Theory Trap.
CO4: Understand the MPC Multiple and their interaction wage, rigidities.
CO5: Understand the hayek supply side economics and Nobel Prize winner in Economics A. K Sen
PAPER_14: TITLE: International Economics
CO1: Understand nature, scope, and importance of International Economics.
CO2: Understand theories of International Trade.
CO3: Understand of Importance of Trade and recent trends
CO4: Understand the FDI concept and Global supply chain.
CO5: Understand trade policy and international financial institutions.
PAPER_18: TITLE: International Trade, Policy and Practice
CO1: Understand the inter-regional and international trade
CO2: Understand the forign exchange rates different concepts
CO3: Understand emergency new international economic order
CO4: Understand about GATT, WTO, FTA, BIT. and role of capital flow (FDI and MNCs)
CO5: Understand the international financial institutions (IMF, ADB,NDB,) and international debt problem.
Sr. | Photo | Name | Designation | Department | Qualification | Appointment Date |
1 | Dr. Balasaheb B. Sargar | Assistant Professor | Political Science | M.A., M.Phil., NET, Ph.D. | — | |
2 | Dr. Shrikant D. Mahadane |
Assistant Professor | Political Science | M.A., NET, Ph.D. |
— | |
3 | Mr. Laxman N. Kumare | Assistant Professor | Political Science to teach FC | M.A., NET-JRF. |
— |
Sr.No | Title | View |
1 | Political Science | |
2 | Foundation Course |
Under Graduate
UAPOL_POLITICAL SCIENCE(Programme Specific Outcomes)
PSO1: The BA Political Science provides insight to students towards political activity. Whereof they can analyze and explain political phenomena.
PSO2: It familiarises students with Indian foreign policy, Indian polity and enables them to differentiate theory and practices in politics.
PSO3: The application of psephology along with rational use of social media is generating employment.
PSO4: Students can familirises with administration, fundamentals of law, political sociology and political philosophy.
PSO5: It cultivates the critical appreciation of political phenomena among students and makes them politically responsible.
CO1: This paper aims to introduce the Indian constitution and Indian Political Processes.
CO2: It inculcates awareness among students for the Indian political system.
CO3: The first Module describes various aspects of the Indian constitution, its features, the Legislatives, Executives and Judiciary.
CO4: The second Module instructs about the Indian Federal System, features of Indian Political System, the Social Dynamics in Indian Politics (Caste, Class or Gender) and the Challenges to Indian Political System.
The paper is divided in two modules i.e. Principles and Concepts of Political Theory and Political Values and Political Ideologies.
CO1: The first Module provides fundamentals of Political theory-its meaning and Importance.
CO2: It introduces new information about the State, Civil Society and State.
Thereafter, the module sheds focus on terms like Power and authority, Law and Obligation.
CO3: The second Module is designed to inform the students with debates on Political values like Rights, Liberty, Justice and Equality.
CO4: It gives elementary knowledge of various ideologies like Marxism, Feminism and Fascism.
The paper is divided in two modules i.e. Introduction to Public Administration and Indian Administration.
CO1: The Module – I aim at introduction of Public Administration as a discipline, Theories of Public Administration and Contemporary techniques and practices in Administration.
CO2: module introduces students with Administration and its Theories. It enables them to discuss Organisational trends, leadership and morale. Students can develop their interests in Management.
CO3: The second Module introduces the genesis of Indian Administration and its development.
CO4: This module provides a constitutional insight to students towards Local Self Governments.
This paper is divided in two modules i.e. World Politics and India in World Politics.
CO1: The Module- I focuses on concepts like World Order, Cold war, Post-Cold War, Conflict and Globalisation.
CO2: The Module- II informs students with India’s foreign policy, its policy imperatives, its neighbourhood and India’s role in International Organization.
CO3: Both modules develop a global consciousness among students.
CO1: This paper introduces students with Political Philosophy and ideas expounded by western and Indian thinkers’ in particular historical settings.
CO2: The Module-I, provides description of ideas by western thinkers (Plato to Will Kymlica).
CO3: The inclusion of recent themes in the module helps to explore a Post Marxist thought among students.
CO4: The Module- II instructs about the Indian Political Thought which includes the ideas M.G. Ranade, G. G. Agarkar, V. D. Savarkar, Pandit Nehru and Dr. B. S. Ambedkar.
CO5: The module provides an exposure to Indian thoughts which helped in nation building, freedom, liberty, equality and social revivalism.
This paper introduces students to the historical rise of Maharashtra.
CO1: The Module-I deals with Politics of Modern Maharashtra which introduces Historical background of Maharashtra, recent trends of Sub-regionalism, the dynamics of politics in Maharashtra and its institutional settings.
CO2: The Module-II relates with Determinants of Politics of Maharashtra.
CO3: This module discusses various contemporary issues like Tribal and Farmers issues and Maharashtra, various Civil Society initiatives like Movement for RTI and environment.
CO4: Thus the paper provides a new perspective to students towards Maharashtra.
CO1: This paper covers theoretical concepts as well as the impact of society on the Political System and vice versa.
CO2: It would be useful to students to have rational observation and logical approach towards society and political system.
CO3: The syllabus is structured with a basic objective to educate students with the process of replacement of traditional values with modern ones.
CO1: This paper is introduced with a view to familiarise students with the recent activities of UN and other organizations.
CO2: The paper is also designed with a focus on recent developments in civil services and other competitive examinations.
CO3: It aims at increasing the familiarity of students with world maps.
CO1: This paper is chiefly useful for students wishing to appear for MPSC examinations.
CO2: It focuses on the wide gap between rural and urban sectors, the growing urbanization and subsequent issues.
CO3: This paper focuses on the importance of Local self-Government in the age of globalization.
Sr. No | Photo | Name | Designation | Department | Qualification | Appointment Date |
1 | Dr. Murlidhar S. Wagh | Assistant Professor | Commerce | — | — | |
2 | Amuksiddha S. Pujari | Assistant Professor | Commerce | — | — | |
3 | Santosh A. Gurav | Assistant Professor | Commerce | — | — |
Sr.No | Title | View |
1 | Commerce | |
2 | Business Economics |
Under Graduate
UCOM_COMMERCE (Programme Specific Outcomes)
PSO1: Create awareness about accounting principles and new techniques of accounting transactions.
PSO2: Familiarisement towards Indian economy system pricing, industrial policy consumer behaviour through the basic economic concepts enhance.
PSO3: Enhance computer literacy and ICT in commerce education.
PSO4: Create employment opportunities through cost and management accounting in the corporate sector.
PSO5: Familiarise with banking insurance and export marketing sector of present scenario.
PSO6: Examine review and analyse the financial report through auditing and accounting
UCOM_COMMERCE (Course Outcomes)
PAPER_1: TITLE: Commerce
CO1: Pupils have succeeded to acquire the knowledge and information about Business.
CO2: Pupils are acquainted with Business Environment and its prerequisites.
CO3: Pupils are familiarized with Project Planning and Report Writing.
CO4: The paper helps to fulfil present market needs regarding service sector(including Insurance, Bank,Transport Etc.)
CO5: Students are introduced to emerging Trends in the service sector.
PAPER_2: TITLE: Business mathematics and Statistics
CO: The objective of this course is to impart knowledge so that students improve their logical reasoning ability and interpretation of various statistical results and understand mathematical calculations.
PAPER_3: TITLE: Business Economics (Microeconomics I & II )
CO1: This paper provides and overall introduction to economics as dialing with the problem of allocation of scarce resources in optimum manner
CO2: It gives the foundation for economic analysis and problem solving.
CO3: It introduces a framework for learning about consumer behaviour and analyzing consumer decisions.
CO4:The course also attends to firms and their decisions about optimal production.
CO5: This course provides an introduction to supply and demand and the basic forces that determine equilibrium in a market economy.
PAPER_4: TITLE: Accountancy and financial management.
CO1: Updates students with working knowledge of accounting standards issued by ICAI.
CO2: Imparts conceptual knowledge of various accounting concepts, conventions and policies
CO3: Inculcates knowledge of various accounting concepts and policies.
PAPER_5: TITLE: Environmental studies
CO1: Understand comprehensively the concept of environment and ecosystem.
CO2: Understanding the natural resources and needs and measures for sustainable development.
CO3: Understand the population and emerging issues of development
CO4: Understand the urbanization and environment.
CO5: Read the thematic maps and fill the world map.
CO1: Understand the solid waste management and role of society in solid waste management.
CO2: Understanding the environmental problems associated with agriculture and sustainable agricultural practices.
CO3: Understand the Tourism potentials and challenges before India.
CO4: Understand the environmental movements and environmental management in India.
CO5: Able to fill the environmentally significant features in Mumbai and Konkan region map.
PAPER_6: TITLE: Foundation Course
CO1:Multicultural diversity of Indian society and understand the concept disparity as arising out of certification stratification in equality.
CO2: Inequalities manifested due to the cast system and inter-group conflicts arising thereof.
CO3: They will know about the constitution and rights and fundamental duties.
CO4: they will come to know about party system in Indian Politics specifically with reference to local self government in urban and rural areas and also amendments and their implications for
inclusive politics
CO5: they will have the knowledge with regards to the role and significance of women in politics in India and their contribution in Indian society.
PAPER_7: TITLE: Business Communications
CO1: After successful completion of the course the learner should be able to enhance his listening, speaking , reading and writing skills to meet the challenges of the world.
PAPER_8: TITLE: Auditing
CO1: The study of various components of this course will enable the student to know about the auditing procedure and management account.
PAPER_9: TITLE: Business Economics ( Macroeconomics & Public Finance )
CO1: Public finance is central to economic and political discourse worldwide as one of the primary functions of government is to generate resources from its people to spend money for improving the lives of its people. The primary objective is provide students with the tools to understand the unlaying concepts and practical trade entailed in public finance policy alternatives.
CO1: This paper provides the students the information regarding the theory of cost, market performance and welfare economics
CO2: This course also makes a picture regarding the cost analysis which seems to be integral to their life.
CO3: The purpose of this course is to give an understanding of the role of the state in fostering economic activities via budget and fiscal policies.
CO4: Students get a chance to know about the financial position of the country
CO5: This course enables the students to understand the various issues between Central and State Governments.
CO6: Students will get knowledge of market activities and behaviour: production, distribution, selling, purchasing etc.
PAPER_10: TITLE: Business Law
CO1: This course exposes students about business acts and their application in day to day activities.
CO2: The course provides elementary knowledge of ‘Indian Contract and Special Contracts.’
CO3: The Course introduces ‘The Sale of Goods Act and Negotiable Instrument Act.’
CO4: The course provides information about ‘Indian Companies and Indian Partnership Act.’
CO5: The course also enables students with ‘Consumer Protection and Intellectual Property Rights Acts.’
PAPER_11: TITLE: Commerce
CO1: To create management techniques among students of commerce faculty. To improve management attitudes and views and its application decision making process.
PAPER_12: TITLE: Accountancy and Financial management
CO1: The principal outcome of this course is to spread awareness about accountancy and financial management accounting systems.
CO2: The course introduces basic terms like Company Accounts, Issue of Shares, Issue of Preference Shares and Redemption of Preference Shares.
CO3: The course also introduces various methods of redemption of Debentures and conversion and details of Treatment of Profit Prior to Incorporation.
CO4: Students get acquainted with Partnership Final Account and Procedure of Piecemeal Distribution of Cash.
CO5: The course enables students to get information about various ledgers of amalgamation of firms, and accounts about conversion of partnership into Ltd. company.
PAPER_13: TITLE: Foundation Course
PAPER_14: TITLE: Economic System
CO1: Students will get knowledge about functions of the economic system, influences on the economic system.
CO2: This course enables the students to understand the mercantilism, capitalism and thoughts of Adam Smith, Karl Marx. Mahatma Gandhi.
CO3: The purpose of this course is to give an understanding of the USA, China and Russian Economy
CO4: The learner will be able to understand the concepts of globalization, class polarisation crisis.
PAPER_15: TITLE: Company Secretarial Practices
CO1: The course enables students to get information about Company, Company Secretary Services.
CO2: The course introduces basic terms like MOA, AOA, and Conversion of Company.
CO3: Students get acquainted with secretarial correspondence to SEBI, Company Law Board and Shareholders.
CO4: The course provides procedures for company meetings, information about company management.
CO5: The course enables students about Dematerialisation, Online Trading, Reports and winding Up of company.
PAPER_16: TITLE: Financial Accounting and Auditing- Cost Accounting
CO1: This course exposes students to basic concepts and tools used in cost accounting.
PAPER_17: TITLE: Commerce(MHRM)
CO1: The basic outcome of this course is to be familiar with marketing trends, services consumer and e-marketing concepts.
CO2: The course provides procedures for Marketing Research and information about Marketing, Marketing Decisions.
CO3: The course enables students about 4 P’s of Marketing.
CO4: The course introduces basic terms HRM, Job Analysis, Job Design, Recruitment, Performance Appraisal.
CO5: Students get acquainted with Human Relations and trends in HRM like Employee Engagement, HRIS and Challenges in Human Resource Management.
PAPER_18: TITLE: Business Economics (Indian Economy & International Economics )
CO1.Students will be aware about recent economic affairs such as demonetization, universal basic income, cashless economy, skill and training development schemes, make in India etc.
CO2.Students will get benefits about various economic issues at local, national and global level.
CO3. Students will get knowledge about various business ideas such as malls, e- commerce, and event management.
CO4: It helps the students to know about the recent trade relations of the country and trade policies on an organization’s international business opportunities.
CO5: Students will get knowledge about International trade and domestic trade, influences of various theories of trade, currency exchange system of international trade.
PAPER_19: TITLE: Financial Accounting and Auditing – Financial Accounting
CO1: The outcome of this course is to equip the student with their ability to analyse, interpret and use financial accounting in business enterprise.
CO2: Students get information about Company Final Accounts, its Ledgers, and adjustments.
CO3: The course introduces basic terms like Internal Reconstruction, Surrender, Buyback of Shares, investment accounting.
CO4: The course provides procedures about Amalgamation, Absorption, and External Reconstruction.
CO5: Students get acquainted with liquidation of Companies, Transactions of Foreign Currency and LLP.
PAPER_20: TITLE: Business Insurance
CO1:To familiarise students with insurance and practice of insurance. Objective equip the students with the knowledge of modern insurance. To develop employability of students in insurance, financial and other economic sectors.
PAPER_21: TITLE: Export Marketing
CO1: to help the student understand regarding the concept of export marketing and their application in the market.
Programme Specific Outcomes:
PSO1: To enhance management quality and ability.
PSO2: To make the students understand various aspects of businesses, industry and international trade.
PSO3: To expose the students to high research ,methodological process and improve the report writing skills.
PSO4: Will be able to develop competitive skills and use it in decision making and marketing processes
PAPER_1: TITLE: Strategic Management
CO1: To enable the learners to understand new forms of strategic management concepts and their use in business.
CO2: To provide information pertaining to business, corporate and global reforms.
CO3: to develop learning and analytical skills of learners to enable them to solve cases and to provide strategic solutions.
CO4: To equiant the learners with recent developments and trends in business corporate.
PAPER_2: TITLE: Economics for Business Decisions
CO1: This course is designed to equip the students with basic tools of economics theory and its practical application.
CO2: The course aims at familiarizing the students with understanding of the economic aspects of current affairs thereby papers them to analyse the market behavior with economic way of thinking.
CO3: In addition to providing an insight into application of economic principles in business decisions, it also intended to widen the analytical ability of the students and to provide them a foundation for further study of economics.
CO4: In order to make the study practical oriented the paper requires discussion of some cases involving use of concepts of business economics.
PAPER_3: TITLE: Cost and Management Accounting
CO1: To enhance the abilities of learners to develop the concepts of cost and management accounting and its significance in the business.
CO2: to enable the learners to understand, develop and apply the technique of costing in the decisions making in the business corporate.
CO3: to enable the learners to understand developing, preparing and presenting the financial report in the business.
PAPER_4: TITLE: Business Ethics and Corporate Social Responsibility
CO1: To familiarise the learners with concepts and relevance of business ethics in the modern era.
CO2: To enable learners to understand the scope and complexity of corporate social responsibility in the global indian context.
PAPER_5: TITLE: Research Methodology for Business
CO1:To enhance the ability of learners to undertake research in business and social science.
CO2: To enable the learners to understand, develop and apply the fundamental skills in formulating research problems.
CO3: To enable the learners in understanding and developing the most appropriate methodology for their research.
CO4: To make the learners familarier with the basic statistical tools and techniques applicable for research.
PAPER_6: TITLE: Macro Economics Concepts and Applications
CO1: The heavily application oriented nature of macroeconomics courses introduced in order to enable the learners.
CO2: The course allows the learners to receive a firm grounding on the basic macroeconomics that strengthen analysis of crucial economic policies.
CO3: Learners are expected to regularly read suggested current readings and related articles in the dailities and journals.
PAPER_7: TITLE: Corporate Finance
CO1: To enhance the abilities of learners to develop the objectives of financial management.
CO2: To enhance the learners to understand, develop and apply the techniques of investment in the financial decisions making in the business corporate.
CO3: To enhance abilities of learners to analyse the financial statement.
PAPER_8: TITLE: E-Commerce
CO1: To provide an analytical framework to understand the emerging e-commerce.
CO2: To make the learners familiar with the current challenges and issues in e-commerce.
CO3: To develop the understanding of the learning towards various business models.
CO4: To enable to understand web based commerce and equip the learners to assess commerce requirements of business.
CO5: To develop understanding of learners relating to legal and regulatory environment and security issues of e-commerce.